How Much Can You Afford?

Buying a home is a big deal!! It is an exciting time in life and an important milestone especially when you buying your first home.

A great first step in the process is knowing how much you can afford to spend on a home. Mortgage calculators are a terrific tool to help you know how much the monthly payment would be for a home taking into consideration the interest rate and down payment amount. Feel free to use the below mortgage calculator to help discern the price points where you feel comfortable.

The next step would be to go through the process to get pre-approved for a mortgage so you know for certain how much mortgage your could apply for. This begins with a conversation with a mortgage professional.

Don’t know who to call? This is where I can help. With over 15 years in the real estate industry, I have worked with many mortgage professionals over the years. Consequently, I have a network of trustworthy professionals that I would recommend.

Feel free to give me a call, and I will get you connected with a mortgage professional who will be committed to helping you buy the home you seek. 724.601.5646.

Mortgage Calculator

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Looking to Buy a Home?

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